Patient Registry
Participating centers
Number of partipicating centers: | 43 |
Number of all registered patients: | 556 |
Number of active patients: | 496 |
Please click on a center for more information...
Innsbruck Universitätsklinik für Pädiatrie I |
Registered patients - Total: 4 - Active: 3 |
Sydney The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network |
Registered patients - Total: 20 - Active: 20 |
Edmonton Glenrose Hospital |
Registered patients - Total: 4 - Active: 4 |
London/ Ontario Victoria Hospital |
Registered patients - Total: 2 - Active: 2 |
Toronto The Hospital for Sick Children |
Registered patients - Total: 16 - Active: 16 |
Vancouver BC BC Childrens Hospital |
Registered patients - Total: 17 - Active: 16 |
Hong Kong Hong Kong Children s Hospital |
Registered patients - Total: 29 - Active: 17 |
Hong Kong Prince Wales Hospital |
Registered patients - Total: 7 - Active: 0 |
Hong Kong The University of Hong Kong |
Registered patients - Total: 17 - Active: 0 |
Czech Republic
Prague Charles University and General University Hospital |
Registered patients - Total: 13 - Active: 12 |
Berlin Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin |
Registered patients - Total: 0 - Active: 0 |
Bochum Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
Registered patients - Total: 3 - Active: 0 |
Göttingen Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin |
Registered patients - Total: 2 - Active: 2 |
Hamburg Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf |
Registered patients - Total: 7 - Active: 7 |
Heidelberg Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin |
Registered patients - Total: 79 - Active: 75 |
Leipzig Universitätsklinikum Leipzig |
Registered patients - Total: 2 - Active: 2 |
München Kliniken Dritter Orden |
Registered patients - Total: 1 - Active: 1 |
Transferred patients Transferred patients |
Registered patients - Total: 75 - Active: 71 |
Barcelona Hospital Sant Joan de Déu |
Registered patients - Total: 44 - Active: 39 |
Córdoba Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía |
Registered patients - Total: 9 - Active: 9 |
Sevilla Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío |
Registered patients - Total: 1 - Active: 1 |
Nantes University Hospital of Nantes |
Registered patients - Total: 2 - Active: 2 |
United Kingdom
London Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health |
Registered patients - Total: 11 - Active: 11 |
Athens Agia Sophia Hospital |
Registered patients - Total: 23 - Active: 23 |
Thessaloniki Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Registered patients - Total: 11 - Active: 7 |
Szeged University of Szeged |
Registered patients - Total: 0 - Active: 0 |
Padova Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova |
Registered patients - Total: 17 - Active: 17 |
Rome Sapienza Università di Roma |
Registered patients - Total: 30 - Active: 30 |
Torino University of Torino |
Registered patients - Total: 5 - Active: 5 |
Tokyo Showa University School of Medicine |
Registered patients - Total: 2 - Active: 2 |
Nijmegen Radboud universitair medisch centrum |
Registered patients - Total: 5 - Active: 5 |
Oslo / Drammen Oslo University Hospital / Drammen Hospital |
Registered patients - Total: 13 - Active: 13 |
Warsaw The Institute of Mother and Child |
Registered patients - Total: 4 - Active: 4 |
Belgrade Clinic for Neurology and Psychiatry for Children and Youth |
Registered patients - Total: 5 - Active: 5 |
Novi Sad Institute for Children and Youth Health Care of Vojvodina |
Registered patients - Total: 4 - Active: 4 |
Singapore National University of Singapore |
Registered patients - Total: 3 - Active: 3 |
Adana Cukurova Üniversitesi |
Registered patients - Total: 9 - Active: 9 |
Ankara Hacettepe University Ihsan |
Registered patients - Total: 24 - Active: 24 |
Istanbul Istanbul Üniversitesi Merkez Kampüsü |
Registered patients - Total: 0 - Active: 0 |
Taichung Taichung Veterans General Hospital |
Registered patients - Total: 0 - Active: 0 |
Taipei National Taiwan University Children´s Hospital |
Registered patients - Total: 0 - Active: 0 |
United States
San Diego Rady Children's Hospital San Diego |
Registered patients - Total: 23 - Active: 23 |
St. Louis Washington University in St Louis |
Registered patients - Total: 13 - Active: 12 |
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